The cPanel new version v66 introduces a new feature that we can configure server backup to Google Drive. Let’s see how to get this configured.
Firstly, update the cPanel to latest version using command
# /scripts/upcp
The Google Drive provides 15GB of disk using which you can store your account backups on Cloud-based storage.
- Login to the WHM using root user
- Go to Home >> Backup >> Backup Configuration >> click on tab “Additional Destinations”
- Select Google Drive from drop-down

- Then click ‘Create new destination’.
- Enter your destination name.
- Enter the desired folder where you wish to store backups.
- Enter your client ID and client secret
- Click ‘Generate Credentials’ to generate the credentials file. A new tab will appear for you to authorize access to your Google Drive data.
- Enter your desired Timeout duration.
- Click the button ‘Save Destination’.
Configure rest other settings in Backup Configuration with Destination as Google Drive.